In an interview with TechRepublic, BlackBerry President John Giamatteo spoke about the risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI) and the need for government intervention.
Giamatteo believes that AI risks are real and need to be taken seriously. He posits that regulatory frameworks must be implemented to ensure the safe and ethical development of AI.
BlackBerry is well-suited to help mitigate AI risks and develop regulatory frameworks for governments. The company has expertise in secure communications and is dedicated to improving safety and security for all.
Giamatteo suggests that governments can take several steps to mitigate AI risks, including:
– Develop regulatory frameworks that prioritize safety and ethical considerations.
– Invest in researching AI risks and potential solutions.
– Implement certifications for AI developers and organizations.
– Establish guidelines for proper AI use and prohibited activities.
– Provide oversight and enforcement of AI usage.
As AI continues to advance, it is important that we consider the risks associated with its development and usage. BlackBerry President John Giamatteo emphasizes the need for government intervention to ensure the safe and ethical development of AI. BlackBerry is positioned to help governments develop regulatory frameworks and mitigate AI risks, leveraging their expertise in secure communications.Original Article:
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