Category: artificial intelligence

Introducing a New Industry Body for Safe and Responsible AI Development

Introducing a New Industry Body for Safe and Responsible AI Development

Introducing a New Industry Body for Safe and Responsible AI Development Summary: A new industry body is being formed with the aim of promoting the safe and responsible development of frontier Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. This body will focus on advancing AI safety research, identifying best practices and standards, and facilitating information sharing among policymakers

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OpenAI and Leading Labs Commit to AI Safety, Security, and Trustworthiness

OpenAI and Leading Labs Commit to AI Safety, Security, and Trustworthiness

OpenAI and Leading Labs Commit to AI Safety, Security, and Trustworthiness OpenAI, along with other leading research labs, have recently announced their commitment to ensuring the safety, security, and trustworthiness of artificial intelligence (AI) through a series of voluntary commitments. This joint effort aims to address the potential risks and challenges associated with the development

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Harnessing the Power of AI: Revolutionizing Local News with a $5+ Million Partnership

Harnessing the Power of AI: Revolutionizing Local News with a $5+ Million Partnership

New Partnership Aims to Harness the Power of Artificial Intelligence for Local News A $5+ Million Collaboration to Empower Local News Organizations and AI Technology In an exciting development for the local news industry, a dynamic partnership has been formed with the goal of exploring how artificial intelligence (AI) can revolutionize the way local news

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“API Updates: More Steerable Models and Function Calling Capabilities for Better Machine Learning Customization”

“API Updates: More Steerable Models and Function Calling Capabilities for Better Machine Learning Customization”

API Updates: More Steerable Models and Function Calling Capabilities Exciting news! Our API models just got even better with more steerable options and function calling capabilities. We now offer more steerable API models. These model options allow for greater customization when it comes to machine learning. With these new update options, our APIs will be

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OpenAI Launches $1 Million Program to Promote Democratic AI Rule-Making

OpenAI Launches $1 Million Program to Promote Democratic AI Rule-Making

OpenAI Launches $1 Million Program for Developing AI Rules Overview OpenAI, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing artificial intelligence (AI) in a safe and sustainable way, is starting a new program to promote the development of a democratic process around creating rules and regulations for AI systems. The program will award ten $100,000 grants

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