“Boost Your IT Security: Veeam’s New Updates Address Critical Flaws in ONE Monitoring Platform”

“Boost Your IT Security: Veeam’s New Updates Address Critical Flaws in ONE Monitoring Platform”

Veeam Updates its ONE IT Monitoring Platform to Fix Four Flaws

Released Security Updates

Veeam, your favorite virtual vacuum that sucks up IT issues, has recently released security updates. It’s mopping up four flaws identified in its ONE IT monitoring and analytics platform. Just goes to show, there’s nothing like a good clean sweep in the IT world!

Two Critical Flaws Among the Four

Among these security pests, two have been rated as ‘critical’ in severity. It’s like finding out both your digital twins have a cold. Definitely something worth addressing pronto!

Details of the Vulnerabilities

The leaks, or rather, vulnerabilities include:

  • CVE-2023-38547 (CVSS score: 9.9) – Put on your noir detective hats folks, we got an unspecified flaw in the building! An unauthenticated user could leverage this flaw to gain information about the SQL server connection Veeam ONE uses to access its configuration. It’s like that sneaky kid in the neighborhood who keeps peeking in your windows.


If your tech job is giving you nightmares — because who likes it when your software has more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese? — fear not. Veeam has got you covered. They’ve released security updates for four identified flaws in the ONE IT monitoring and analytics platform. Two of them are even considered critical, so don’t wait on it. Update as soon as possible. You don’t want that sneaky neighborhood kid peeking into your SQL server connection now, do you?

Original Article: https://thehackernews.com/2023/11/critical-flaws-discovered-in-veeam-one.html


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