Cybersecurity Risks for Industrial Control Systems: Mitigating Threats in Manufacturing, Energy, and Critical Infrastructure

Cybersecurity Risks for Industrial Control Systems: Mitigating Threats in Manufacturing, Energy, and Critical Infrastructure

Cybersecurity Risks for Industrial Control Systems

Main Points

  • Engineering workstations, SCADA and automation servers, historians and PLCs identified as highest risk.
  • Manufacturing, energy and utilities, and critical infrastructure at greatest risk.
  • Risks include malicious attacks, insider threats and unintended consequences of updates.

Risks Identified for Industrial Control Systems

Recent studies indicate that engineering workstations, SCADA and automation servers, historians and PLCs are considered the highest risk for cybersecurity breaches in industrial control systems. These risks are not limited to any one industry, but manufacturing, energy and utilities, and critical infrastructure are considered most vulnerable.

The reasons for these vulnerabilities are many. Malicious attacks are an ever present threat. However, the insider threat is also a major concern. Unintended consequences of updates, like patches or security updates, can also cause significant problems.

The consequences of cyber security breaches can be severe and deadly. There is the possibility of loss of life, environmental damage, property damage, and financial loss.

Mitigating Risks

A combination of methods can be used to manage the risks to industrial control systems. The first is a systems approach that considers hardware and software throughout the entire life cycle of the system. This includes system design, testing, implementation, and maintenance.

Other methods include proactive security measures such as firewalls, password controls, and access controls. Ongoing training and awareness of cybersecurity risks to staff is also important in creating a culture of cybersecurity.

The potential risks to industrial control systems require the implementation of a well-planned cybersecurity strategy. This strategy should be comprehensive and involve all stakeholders in the process. By staying abreast of the latest cybersecurity threats, risks can be identified and mitigated before they cause any damage.


As technology continues to advance, securing industrial control systems from cyber threats has become ever more important. Systems like engineering workstations, SCADA and automation servers, historians and PLCs are particularly vulnerable. Manufacturing, energy and utilities, and critical infrastructure are all considered high risk. Mitigating risks requires a systems approach, proactive security measures, and ongoing training and awareness for staff. It is important for all stakeholders to be involved in the cybersecurity strategy to ensure that risks are identified and mitigated.Original Article:


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