NSA Releases Guidance to Detect and Prevent BlackLotus Bootkit Infections on UEFI Firmware

NSA Releases Guidance to Detect and Prevent BlackLotus Bootkit Infections on UEFI Firmware

bootkit that targets UEFI firmware, which is responsible for initializing hardware components and launching the operating system. Once the bootkit infects a system, it can survive even if the operating system is reinstalled, as it resides in the UEFI firmware.

To help organizations detect and prevent infections, the NSA has released guidance that includes step-by-step instructions for checking whether a system has been infected with BlackLotus. The guidance also includes recommendations for hardening user executable policies and monitoring the integrity of the boot partition.

The NSA’s guidance is part of the agency’s ongoing effort to improve U.S. cybersecurity by sharing threat intelligence and best practices with public and private sector organizations. The agency is also urging infrastructure owners to update their firmware and security patches regularly to prevent attacks like BlackLotus.

In summary, the NSA has released guidance to help organizations detect and prevent infections of the advanced bootkit BlackLotus, which targets UEFI firmware. The guidance includes recommendations for hardening user executable policies and monitoring the integrity of the boot partition, as well as step-by-step instructions for checking whether a system has been infected. The agency is also urging infrastructure owners to update their firmware and security patches regularly to prevent attacks. Overall, this is a reminder of the ongoing need for improved cybersecurity measures and the importance of staying vigilant against emerging threats.Original Article: https://thehackernews.com/2023/06/nsa-releases-guide-to-combat-powerful.html


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